Tuesday, November 24, 2009

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Love, moments when one is lost and yet found himself. It is the meeting destination. A definition I like about it "destiny" is that is the path one takes to get to your add anything else. It is the function of humanity, to help their counterparts to save themselves in their thirst for happiness.

It seems to me when love itself that makes the difference, the decision of wanting to open your heart and unstable self independent shell had. Begin to achieve this evolution of relationship that goes from total ignorance and indifference to the past friendship later in the world of unprecedented affection and each time you choose this way comes uncontrollable ecstasy first kiss. Unique moment since there is another first kiss, every moment becomes appreciated and unique. The wishes of talking, listening, passion rallos lights begin to glimpse the river of the new relationship, becoming a cause full of spiritual excitement where two become one.