Monday, July 6, 2009

Sample Donation Request Letter For Church

greatest moments I've seen dragon ball on page dblatino, drawing that and laughed for a long time out of context is esoteric, it is interesting and innocent


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Cogat Test Sample Questions

funny moments in Plato's cave (The Matrix)

In his allegory the cave , the men who remained prisoners. Through a corridor of the cave into the light, is holding talks with the prisoners and captives of the cave. Come to believe that the shadows they see are but realities for them. Conocen.Si is what one escapes the cave, Plato says that usually seek them, little by little they would see different things like the cosmos. Those prisoners to have contact with the runaway slave take it crazy, that's not reality. Human beings are the prisoners, the shadows are the stupidity, which is seen by the senses "reality" I do not see are the ideas. The maximum of good is the sun, you go out and see the real world. This is philosopher

clash of paradigms - from JOVER PEPON MIZAR-PETRUS on Vimeo .

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Pyranha Inazone 242review

If bullfighting is culture, cannibalism is gastronomy.

comes to exist in our country a prehistoric form of entertainment, pseudopensadoresneolíticos, who call themselves "high rank" I call them fools. That's a cult of murder estulticia.El bull has a long history, since the Roman Empire, there are documents about these practices flames veneration . It was something different at that time, noes the current conception of bullfighting, but was fighting between animals, good is it now? Men fighting animals or men and women were thrown to the beasts as punishment dishonorable, and their deaths, became a diversion for the people. These shows lasted hours and were offered in various forms. Ovid described that used a red cloth to draw attention the animal, in order to justify its attack and death. These fighters were called bestiarrii were convicted, prisoners of war, army deserters, slaves convicted.

Politics is the birthplace of the disaster since that time, as the POWER was the goal of each task. The control of the masses. The historian Suetonius tells us that before he took the precaution of limarles nails and teeth, and weaken them without giving them food and water or with a substance stunning. The people ignorant of such traps, hailed the emperor because he could kill lions unarmed, as usual. This political policy known as the bread and circuses ( panem et circus ).

In 206 BC, under Roman rule came to the Iberian Peninsula Pení, the cult of Mithra. Among the ceremonial rites of this god, there was one in which a bull was sacrificed with a knife and was baptized the faithful with his blood.

In the modern age, they begin the critical policies appear more severe against this abominable practice. The critical policies are based, mainly due to the large number of human deaths caused. These deaths were not only because of the onslaught of bulls, bullfighting generated fights between men who ended up stabbing spears between them, as well as deaths due to avalanches and to attend closely to see such shows.

TORERO OLE, make my day

Manuel Vicent said S i bullfighting is culture, cannibalism is cuisine.